Saturday, August 31, 2013


There are so many people who give up from exhaustion. DON'T! Don't be among the many who walk away when things appear to be at their roughest. It is when things are at their roughest we are almost there! Anything worth having is WORTH THE FIGHT. Exhaustion is the leading cause of failures in people. It drains the mind, body and soul of Hope. It fools us into believing we can't when WE CAN! Exhaustion only appears when the mission is almost complete, when we just have a few steps to reach and to accomplish our goals. Look beyond exhaustion. Be more determined to FINISH than quitting! NEVER QUIT WHAT GOD HAS PLACED IN YOUR HEART TO COMPLETE!


Sunday, December 2, 2012


My Rhianna is now six months old and suffering with her first diaper rash. Not sure of what caused it but it needs treatment! On this picture she's wondering what's going on with the all white plain room. Babies are intelligent, they know when something is up! It was funny to myself and her mother when she tried to escape by crawling. She was moving very fast; but being surprised since this was the first time she crawled, she almost fell from the bed......oooops! By now, she has seen and been treated by the Doctor. She's doing well and getting around pretty good. Now she's exploring walking after only a few weeks of crawling. Oh boy, we are in for trouble!!! She also has two new bottom teeth! The following pictures are from our hospital Adventure and her facial expressions from the visit.

This is her not pleased look!

On this pic she's trying to figure things out!

She is beginning to Investigate!

She's off into it, now!

She's taken her eyes off the camera to watch her mother.
Here she is curiously watching the Nurse who just arrived to the room.
The Nurse made her smile......good thing!
Well the smile did not last!
Now she's serious with the "OH, NO SHE DIDN'T LOOK!"
Her mom has her smiling again, What's up with the tongue thing?
Upon the Nurse leaving the room she was ready to jet out herself! This is when she begin flapping like a bird to escape, too funny!
Grandma (me) knows how to get her baby to laughing! She's a big
After getting a good laugh from me, she rolled over and got on her knees. This was nothing new; but what she did next shocked her mother and I!
Getting Ready!!!
Still going! See the attached hand, her mom had to catch her!
Safe with her mom, Good Girl!!!
Well this is the end of another Grandma's proud moments! Keep watching, I will have plenty more. Until the next "My Adventures In Photography With Paedams", God Bless!

Friday, November 9, 2012


At least once a week I get very bored. To cure the boredom I grab the camera and just take random shots. Of course every grandma is going to take pics of those grandbabies.......I AM GUILTY AS CHARGED! In this particular episode of "Random Shots", I also took a few pictures of my city Monroe, La., as I ran errands one day. So grab the popcorn an enjoy the slide!


Experimenting with editing software will create a totally different pic from what you began with! Sometimes you have to work with them until they meet your satisfaction.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Have you ever just sat back and thought of all the wonderful things, GOD has done for you! This is the new edition to my family. We call her Rhianna, since she favors the pop star Rhianna. She makes grand daughter number four and hopefully she is the last. With three other biological grandsons and 3 other step grand children they keep us pretty busy. It's hard to imagine life without any of them. Sometimes, I try to mentally escape and remember those days when grandchildren did not exist in my life and it actually makes me sad. I would not trade the diaper changes, late night feedings and cuddle times for nothing in the world!

When people ask me how do I know that God loves me, I tell them to look around at all the beautiful babies he has blessed me with. I thank him for all that he's done and although this last granddaughter took me by total surprise it's as if she has been in my heart forever.


Friday, October 19, 2012


Dear Father In Heaven,

Because of who you are, I give you glory. Because of who you are, I give you praise! Because of who you are I will lift my voice and sing........HALLELUJAH, PRAISE GOD!!! Because of who you are my sins are forgiven, because of you I no longer dwell in darkness; but walk in the Light of your love. Because of your mercy and sacrifice, I have another chance to live a blessed life filled with peace and joy. Because of who you are, I am no longer the forgotten; but an heir to our Father's Holy Kingdom! THANK YOU for interceding on my behalf. Because of who you are my enemies did not prevail against me, God considered and heard my cries and my heart is no longer filled with sorrow daily. I trust in your mercy and my heart rejoice in they salvation!

